Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 3 - Here I come!

Oh, no.. I'm late for DAY 3..
BUT as they say, "Better late than NEVER"..

I am loving this linky party that the awesome gals from Blog Hoppin' came up to.

And Day 3, I am thankful for..

And I really mean "FEW", 'coz I've really got a LOT of favorite things. I'll focus on the things I love collecting, eat or drink.

First, I love collecting stickers, notepads, sticky notes of various kinds, colors and sizes. Its been a lot of help to me in the teaching ministry, on-the-spot making notes and letters. And of course, I also love collecting pens and markers - of different kinds and colors.

Secondly, is BOOKS. These are few of the books I've bought for my son. Books here in our place are quite expensive, but I always make sure that I could buy a one or two books every month. By the way, my son is 16-months old.

The books below are felt books and hole/wordless book, the most favorite books of my son for the time being. :)

And LAstly, COFFEE..
I love coffee and stuffs that go with it. The mugs and tumblers.

How about you? What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thankful for H...

Happy Tuesday!

It's almost 11:45pm here and I've gotta make this short to be able to catch up for the Tuesday post, :)

I am linking up at Blog Hoppin for DAY 2 - Thankful for something that starts with H..

And I came up with..

I am always thankful to God for my hubby! He's one of the most wonderful guys I have ever met (of course, there's my dad, my brother, best bud and my son..)

My hubby is my friend, companion, my critic and the best cook.
I know my life would never be the same without him.

What are you thankful for? Come and Link up, :)

** I guess this is it for tonight, I'm a bit tired! Good everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thankful for T...

Hello there, everyone!

I am excited 'coz I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' in this wonderful linky party.

I always tell my kids in class that "GIVING THANKS should be practiced always and in all things". 

And here's for the Thankful for Tttttttt....

I am thankful for TEACHERS - all type of teachers.

To all daddy & mommy-teachers at home who helped their children at home.

To all school-teachers who extended much love, dedication and patience to all the wonderful kids.

They have done so much to us. 

They taught us the things I needed to know  to be able to survive living in this world. 

Whether it be from books or from their own experiences.

And I am glad and it feels wonderful to be a TEACHER.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Super Thankful

The gals of primary powers are hosting up a Super Thankful Thread Linky Party.

One of my so many favorite quotes,

"A grateful heart is one that finds the countless blessings of God in the seemingly mundane everyday life." 

 Here are few of the things that I am thankful for..

My family are the BEST. I am always and forever will be thankful for my parents who bought me up in a goodly way, for my siblings who are always being there for me and of course for my hubby and son who makes my every waking moment so special.

image source (piano)
image source (book)

I am thankful for sunset and sunrise, for books (I love reading!) and for piano which gives me so much joy when i am playing(I can play some songs .)

Thankful for the ministry of teaching God has entrusted to me (at school & church).

I am also thankful for my class, though they make my everyday crazy BUT I am loving it.

What are you thankful for?...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Creativity and imagination.

Never underestimate the ability of a child.
Creativity and imagination. 
Just give them one empty paper and a water color. 
See the outcome, isn't it GREAT?!

Liebster Award


I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Mica of The Positively Polka-Dotted Teacher which means I need to answer eleven questions about myself and then nominate eleven people to do the same. 

Thank you for the nomination, Mica!

1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging October of 2011 (actually, i have 2 blogs, one would serve as my online journal & 2nd is all about  my classroom or me as a teacher).

2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
SHARING & INSPIRATION. I  wanted to share some of the things I have learned about life, teaching and everything in between. I also wanted my blog to be an inspiration to others, the same way as other bloggers have inspired me.

3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before?  
The number of followers doesn't matter.

4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
I love to read, create accessories, pinteresting & spending time with my son (playing, reading books, drawing and coloring).

5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?

I'm quite not so good on this part. I hardly have time to write and post, but if I've the time maybe 2-3 hours a week.

6.  What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most? 
Crafts. Classroom management. Organization.

7.  Where does your blog inspiration come from?
My students, family and experiences.

8.  Which post that you've written are you most proud of?
Proud of? Oh, I dunno.. but maybe my recent "Currently", it's the 3rd post I've done this year. Praying that I could and write and post some more.

9.  Is there any post you've been planning to do but have been postponing it for a while now?
Yes, actually I've got plenty of pending post. Those I have started writing but wasn't able to finish.

10.  What is your favorite aspect of blogging? 
Sharing and being able to interact with other bloggers.

11.  Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be most likely to try yourself?  

I might try the "Decorate a Pumpkin" next year. It looks awesome and fun!

Here's the link if you want to check it out:

The Rules: 

Now that you've been nominated here are the official "rules" for accepting:

1. In your post link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and "shout out".

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you (the ones I answered above).

3. Nominate 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers each.  Provide them with 11 questions or have them answer the questions above.

4. Let your nominees know they've been nominated and provide them with a link back to your post so that they can accept.

5. Send your nominator a link to your post so s/he can learn more about you as well.  (You can just put your post link in the comments below).

Have a wonderful day ahead!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

You are who you are for a reason.

When I was younger, I love collecting poems or quotes from the internet. 
From time to time, I'll be sharing some of them.

image source

You are who you are for a reason.
You're part of an intricate plan.
You're a precious and unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.

No, the trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you'd grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You've been formed by the master's rod.
You are who you are, friend,
Because there is God!!

Russell Kelfer
Purpose Driven Life, pg 25

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

A prayer of thanksgiving

(Just wanted to share this poem, this is not mine -credits to the owner. Got this from a Daily Devotional App)

Jesus, thank You for life and all it involves. When something goes wrong, we often say, "That's life!" But life is so much more than the little things that don't turn out the way we wish they had.

Waking up each morning with eyes that see and ears that hear —that's life!

Talking with a child and catching a glimpse of the world through those innocent eyes—that's life!

Pausing in the middle of a hectic day to watch a bird soar or a butterfly flit among the flowers—that's life!

Chatting with an old friend and remembering just how special that friendship is—that's life!

Receiving an unexpected word of encouragement—that's life!

Holding a newborn baby and catching his first smile—that's life!

Walking in nature, taking in its sights

breathing that fresh air—that's life!

Lying down to sleep at night and thanking God for all the blessings that the day brought—that's life!

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Currently November.

I'm really a very terrible blogger. I hardly have time to sit and write, it seems that my "to do list" is never-ending! Hahaist! BUT i always try to join the Currently linky by Farley of Oh Boy, 4th Grade, so uhmm, here's mine.

LISTENING: Right at this moment, im enjoying the silence of my classroom. While waiting for my afternoon class to arrive. Oh, don't get me wrong.. Classroom is FUN when kids are around, but sometimes a little "silent moments" would be wonderful.

LOVING: I love spending quality time with my hubby & precious little one. I teach 5 times a week, from 8:30am-4:00pm (divided into 3 classes), do my after school tasks, and go home at 7:00pm. I always try not to bring any school work at home, so that time at home would only be spend for my family.

THINKING: Christmas is just around the corner and its my most awaited time of the year. Even though, its still November I've been scanning & pinning through Pinterest for wonderful, cute and colorful ideas for decorations. Here are some of it.

Can you suggest more ideas? I would love it.

WANTING: A Samsung Note. I guess, i need to start praying and saving some money for it.

READING: I love reading, its one of my favorite past-time. I'm reading a Confessions of a Shopaholic, why? I dunno. Maybe because im so curious 'cause a lot of my friends have read it, and they said it nice. 

Well, that's it! Have a awesome November to you! Hugs!