Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Diary of a Teacher 101

"I do have a lot of kids who are wonderful, funny, difficult, tiresome, loud, sweet little blessings in my classroom. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE all of them and so thankful for them, it's just that they are draining ALL the energy and patience I have."

There are a lot of times that they get so loud, so difficult to handle, pulling my patience to the extremes and a lot of times I seat in a TIME-OUT chair (I need a moment to breathe in and out and to calm myself).

What keeps me going? Knowing that there are parents who believes in my strength, my sweet little blessings who are looking up to me and knowing that as they say good-bye to me at the end of the school year they have learned a lot from me.

Inspite of it all, they are still my sweet little blessings, and I'm most grateful for them!

Note: Photos are from pinterest :)

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